Teenage Cancer Trust

Teenage Cancer Trust exists to ensure that young people with cancer get the very best care and support across the UK, no matter where they are.

In aid of Teenage Cancer Trust

Registered charity number 1062559

Teenage Cancer Trust has a specialist unit in almost every major NHS cancer treatment hospital across England, the closest to us being their unit in Leeds, which is currently fundraising to renovate their aging facilities.


Your donations are also used to fund expert nurses, Youth Support Coordinators and Multidisciplinary Team Coordinators and specialist outreach nurses, all who provide care and support as well as ensuring that every young person can access expert care.


In total there are 28 units running across the UK that require constant maintenance, as well as the services of the aforementioned staff and the additional development of NHS nursing and support staff too. Currently, all of that combined costs just over £9 million per year.

For all young people

Teenage Cancer Trust are the only charity in the country providing care and support for every young person facing cancer, which is why it is vital that part of that annual figure is also spent on education and raising awareness in schools and communities.


The charity relies wholly on public donations and receives no government or NHS funding. Without your donations who will be there for the 2,500 young people who will be told they have cancer next year, and every year after that.


Every day in the UK, around seven young people aged 13-24 are diagnosed with cancer. Everyday those seven people and their families are coming to terms with what that means. Through your donations, £30 could provide an hour of expert care for someone – an hour with someone who truly understands what they’re going through. £3,000 could provide 100 hours of transformational expert nursing to make a tremendous impact to the health and wellbeing of young people with cancer during an incredibly unsettling time. And £8.50 could pay for a copy of the Young Person’s Guide to Cancer – this book was put together with the help of young people, telling someone everything they need to know when they are feeling lonely and in need of reassurance.


Top five symptoms to look out for

Symptom 1 - lumps, bumps & swellings
Symptom 2 - unexplained tiredness
Symptom 3 - mole changes
Symptom 4 - persistent pain
Symptom 5- significant weight change